Uppex Beginner's Guide

Kickstart your crypto journey in 3 quick and easy steps:

Step 1: Register for an account.

Register for a Uppex account at https://wallet.uppex.com/signup.

  1. Please provide your name, surname, email and phone number information.
  2. In order to Sign Up, please kindly read and confirm with our Terms and Conditions, Privacy policy and confirm that you are over 18-year-old.
  3. Then press Sign Up button.
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  5. Please open your email because right after you press Sign up, you will receive an email with “Account confirmation” button that you need to press.
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  7. After pressing “Account confirmation” new window opens where You will need to create password of your new account. Please create strong password by using different letters, numbers and symbols combination and press “Set password”. Make sure that the only you know the password. Do not share your passport with anyone!
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  9. Congrats! After creating a password, at https://wallet.uppex.com you can log in to your new wallet.
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  11. When you signed in, the very first thing you need to do is to accept our Term and Conditions. It appears to your window right after you log in.
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  13. *Accept button is at the bottom.
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Step 2: Complete Identity Verification.

  1. Right after you accept our Term and Conditions, new window opens and now you need to complete KYC process. In order to start you need to press Yes.
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  3. In the new window, first you need press “Upload” of getid-doc-selfie-liveness button in the right side like in the example:
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  5. In the new window you are free to choose how you will do the KYC check: with your mobile phone, laptop or other device.
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  7. Please provide your personal data and press Continue.
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  9. Please provide your ID card or passport for verification and face identification.
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  11. When the face and passport or ID card verification is completed, please return to your wallet and upload your Utility bill for address verification. Utility bill must be not older than 3 months and in English language.
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  13. After you upload utility bill, our compliance team will make the review and if all is correct, you will receive letter with confirmation that you can start to buy crypto. In the letter received you need to press “Let's start” button.
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  15. Congrats! Now you can buy crypto! Go to “My wallet” and press on Bitcoin Wallet, Ethereum Wallet, Tether Wallet or USD Coin Wallet in order to buy.
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Step 3: Buy crypto.

  • When you choose buy crypto, you will have 180 seconds to indicate the amount and currency you want to buy and provide your wallet address where we will send the crypto.
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  • Please check your email, because Uppex just sent you Declaration of Deposit to sign and confirm. In the letter you will find Review & Sign button to press.
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  • First, press “Click to sign” button and sign. Second, in the top right corner press “Continue”.
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  • Then you need to agree with our Term of Service by pressing “I agree”.
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  • After you agree, you will see that your Declaration of Deposit was successfully signed and your order to buy crypto is ready to be approved by Uppex team.
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  • In your wallet in Transactions section you can track all of transactions.
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Crypto Coins